This is a subject we haven't yet addressed. We have more and more questions about lithotherapy jewellery to wear and, as experts in precious and fine stones, we felt it was our duty to give you a little more explanation on the subject.

Definition of lithotherapy

Lithotherapy, or stone therapy, is an alternative medicine that attributes therapeutic virtues to minerals. According to the lithotherapists, the minerals are charged with energy during their long training in the bowels of the earth. The alleged benefits of these stones are used to improve people's well-being or to help them heal themselves. Lithotherapy responds to a holistic approach to care, i.e. we place the individual and his environment at the heart of the treatment. When an organ is sick, it is due to a global disorganisation of the patient's metabolism, the causes of which can be multiple, especially environmental. It is then considered that a drug treatment alone would be insufficient to cure a disease completely, since it will only be treated in a targeted manner. Minerals can be used for prevention (protection against a disease or a bad wave) or for treatment. When they come into contact with them, the energetic fluids (also called chakras or meridians) of a suffering person, physical or moral, would harmonise. Long before the era of modern conventional medicine, people used what they found in nature to treat themselves: plants and minerals were therefore a rich pharmacopoeia whose knowledge was passed on from generation to generation. Whether as an external application (talisman) or as a drink (elixir), mineral-based prescriptions can be found in ancient writings dating back to antiquity and coming from different civilisations (Mesopotamia, ancient China, ancient India etc...). Today the stones are worn as lithotherapy jewellery. Visit MINERALS KINGDOM for more about natural stone jewellery. An elegant and pleasant way to wear your stones and heal yourself. Lithotherapy is thus one of the many bases of ancestral medicine also composed of acupuncture, massage or breathing techniques (yoga and meditation).

The power of lithotherapy stones

According to the lithotherapists, to take full advantage of the power of stones, they must be natural. A distinction must then be made between synthetic and treated stones. While synthetic stone is a pure laboratory product, devoid of properties, a treated natural stone remains a real stone: the treatment is only intended to improve its appearance or intensify its colour. Treated stones therefore retain their chemical and energetic properties. In the world of jewellery, the vast majority of fine and precious stones are treated, but there are also many other stones that do not require any treatment, as they are so naturally beautiful: a true miracle of nature. To benefit from the supposed benefits of a stone, there are different methods of administration. In ancient times, it was customary to ingest certain powdered stones, but it was later shown that this could be dangerous and even fatal. Today, lithotherapy practitioners prefer to immerse a mineral in distilled water and then drink the resulting solution after first exposing it to the rays of the moon or the sun. Considering that crystals emit particular waves or rays, one can also wear them on one's person, in jewellery, and take advantage of their protection. Talismans, grigris or medieval carbuncles have given way to refined and trendy lithotherapy jewellery set with fine and precious stones. Also used as a decorative object, more or less imposing pieces of minerals will be placed in a room of the house and their range of action will be proportional to their size. Although lithotherapy has been practised since the dawn of time, it does not dispense with a visit to the doctor or the taking of conventional medication in case of illness.