If all fine and precious stones are supposed to have virtues, here is a list of the most famous and set on lithotherapy jewels :

Aquamarine lithotherapy jewels

Already known to the Romans more than 2000 years ago, Aquamarine literally means water from the sea. Associated with the god Neptune, Aquamarine was worn in the form of amulets by sailors to protect themselves from storms. Linked to the clarity and purity of the water, this fine stone would have the power to soothe anxious people by clarifying their troubles or negative thoughts. Aquamarine would harmonise the flow of energies and would favour the natural cleansing functions of the human body by stimulating organs such as the kidneys, liver, spleen, bladder.

Amber Lithotherapy Jewelry

Coveted since the dawn of time for its beautiful warm colours, Amber is a fossilised resin that appeared between 2 and 50 million years ago. This stone, known as organic, is said to have many virtues, particularly those of soothing pain and infections of all kinds. Because of its lightness and the soft warmth it provides on contact with the skin, Amber, cut into the shape of pearls and then mounted in a necklace, will be especially dedicated to babies to relieve their dental pain and help them sleep.

Amethyst Lithotherapy Jewellery

Used in Antiquity as a talisman to protect oneself from evil spells, this fine stone with its beautiful violet hues is still a great success today. In its raw form, it often adorns a room in the house and would promote serenity and love in the home by purifying it from bad vibes when worn as a jewel. You can find more about amethyst natural stone jewellery via www.minerals-kingdom.com/ for instance. Known for its soothing properties, it is said to dispel evil thoughts, sharpen the mind and open the spirit: Amethyst is a stone linked to spirituality. It is therefore often recommended to help combat stress, depression or certain forms of addiction. When combined with Citrine, it forms Ametrine, which is also used to combat anxiety and develop creativity.

Citrine Lithotherapy Jewelry

Also worn as a good luck charm in ancient Greece, citrine protected against poisonous snake bites by keeping them at a distance. Nowadays, this fine stone is attributed with a positive energy that would bring joy and wealth. Borrowing its name from lemon, Citrine has the vitamin-rich hues of citrus fruits, ranging from pale lemon yellow (Citrine Lemon Yellow) to dark orange (Citrine Mandarin). It invigorates the body, awakens the mind and stimulates motivation. It is also said to promote the elimination of toxins by acting on the organs of the digestive and depurative system (intestines, bladder...).

Lithotherapy jewellery in Carnelian

Depending on its more or less red colour, due to the iron content, this stone of the Chalcedony family is called Carnelian or Sardoine. They were already venerated by the oldest civilisations in the world and were often used in religious services. Also linked to spirituality, it would favour mental acuity, improve clairvoyance and refine intuition. Its sunny and warm colour would energise the mind and body. When it is red, Carnelian will be dedicated to men since it would amplify their aura, their power and help them to overcome certain sexual disorders. The colour orange will be more dedicated to women since it would develop their femininity and self-confidence.

Lithotherapy jewellery in Hematite

This stone takes its name from the Greek word "aima" which means blood; in fact, when bathed in water, the anthracite coloured hematite takes on a blood red hue. Highly charged with iron, it is said to help treat illnesses related to circulatory problems (haematomas, menstruation, scarring) but also to relieve cramps and strengthen organs such as the heart and lungs.