Boots are essential wardrobe items for men worth buying because they are versatile, stylish, and comfortable. What’s more, they offer an irresistible style. From work boots to dress boots, Chukkas, Chelsea boots, and beyond, plenty of men boots exist to fit different attire. You can pair Chelsea boots or Chukkas with a blazer and trendy pants or casual boots with a shirt and jeans for a smart-casual look. Else, you can get a professional business look by dressing boots with slacks. If looking for the best pair of boots, please follow this link.
Most men are ignorant when buying men shoes, especially boots. For instance, most men visit the store and buy the first pair of shoes they see on display. Keep in mind that different boots exist, meaning you have to be cautious of what you are buying.
For example, it would be wise to buy Chelsea boots to add some elegance to your outfit. This boot is simple, smooth, sleek, and you can easily slip it on and off. On the other hand, a Chukka boot is much more rugged and will give you a hardy vibe.
Even if you have stunning, sleek, or stylish boots, remember that you cannot combine them with formal attire. Men boots are essentially casual. It is sensible to wear boots with chinos or jeans because they originate from rugged roots. Another notable thing is that wearing a boot and a tie will make you look strange.
Well, this concept is straightforward. Whenever you wear IRO shoes, you should always combine them with suitable trousers. For example, you cannot combine dress boots with formal pants. If possible, pair boots with chinos and jeans. The general rule of thumb is to avoid suits and slacks.
You might know the suitable trousers to wear with your boots, but you will get it wrong if they are too baggy or short. It would help if you made sure the pant hems graze the top of the boot to get a perfect look. Generally speaking, it should be roughly 0.5” to 0.75” above the ground.
Although boots are casual, colours matter a lot when it comes to wearing them perfectly. Most IRO boots for men that you can buy are available in brown and black. The rule when it comes to rocking boots is that black is more formal than brown.
Black boots are versatile and timeless shoes for men. You can style them with business professional, smart casual, casual, or formal attire to create a picture-perfect look. On the other hand, Brown boots are incredibly versatile because you can virtually pair them with all types of styles and outfits.
Men, here is a simple tip you need to consider at all times. As with other men shoes, you should try always to match IRO boots for men with your belt or any other leather outfit you might be donning.
However, there is an exception to this rule. If you are rocking a suede boot, you don’t essentially have to match it with other leather attires. Here, you have the freedom to play around with what pleases you.
Lastly, proportion is crucial when wearing boots. So, you need to avoid rocking small and sleek boots with bulky pants. The same applies when wearing large combat boots. You should avoid wearing them with slim jeans.
If all fine and precious stones are supposed to have virtues, here is a list of the most famous and set on lithotherapy jewels :
Already known to the Romans more than 2000 years ago, Aquamarine literally means water from the sea. Associated with the god Neptune, Aquamarine was worn in the form of amulets by sailors to protect themselves from storms. Linked to the clarity and purity of the water, this fine stone would have the power to soothe anxious people by clarifying their troubles or negative thoughts. Aquamarine would harmonise the flow of energies and would favour the natural cleansing functions of the human body by stimulating organs such as the kidneys, liver, spleen, bladder.
Coveted since the dawn of time for its beautiful warm colours, Amber is a fossilised resin that appeared between 2 and 50 million years ago. This stone, known as organic, is said to have many virtues, particularly those of soothing pain and infections of all kinds.
Because of its lightness and the soft warmth it provides on contact with the skin, Amber, cut into the shape of pearls and then mounted in a necklace, will be especially dedicated to babies to relieve their dental pain and help them sleep.
Used in Antiquity as a talisman to protect oneself from evil spells, this fine stone with its beautiful violet hues is still a great success today. In its raw form, it often adorns a room in the house and would promote serenity and love in the home by purifying it from bad vibes when worn as a jewel. You can find more about amethyst natural stone jewellery via for instance. Known for its soothing properties, it is said to dispel evil thoughts, sharpen the mind and open the spirit: Amethyst is a stone linked to spirituality.
It is therefore often recommended to help combat stress, depression or certain forms of addiction. When combined with Citrine, it forms Ametrine, which is also used to combat anxiety and develop creativity.
Also worn as a good luck charm in ancient Greece, citrine protected against poisonous snake bites by keeping them at a distance.
Nowadays, this fine stone is attributed with a positive energy that would bring joy and wealth. Borrowing its name from lemon, Citrine has the vitamin-rich hues of citrus fruits, ranging from pale lemon yellow (Citrine Lemon Yellow) to dark orange (Citrine Mandarin). It invigorates the body, awakens the mind and stimulates motivation. It is also said to promote the elimination of toxins by acting on the organs of the digestive and depurative system (intestines, bladder…).
Depending on its more or less red colour, due to the iron content, this stone of the Chalcedony family is called Carnelian or Sardoine. They were already venerated by the oldest civilisations in the world and were often used in religious services. Also linked to spirituality, it would favour mental acuity, improve clairvoyance and refine intuition. Its sunny and warm colour would energise the mind and body. When it is red, Carnelian will be dedicated to men since it would amplify their aura, their power and help them to overcome certain sexual disorders. The colour orange will be more dedicated to women since it would develop their femininity and self-confidence.
This stone takes its name from the Greek word “aima” which means blood; in fact, when bathed in water, the anthracite coloured hematite takes on a blood red hue. Highly charged with iron, it is said to help treat illnesses related to circulatory problems (haematomas, menstruation, scarring) but also to relieve cramps and strengthen organs such as the heart and lungs.
This is a subject we haven’t yet addressed. We have more and more questions about lithotherapy jewellery to wear and, as experts in precious and fine stones, we felt it was our duty to give you a little more explanation on the subject.
Lithotherapy, or stone therapy, is an alternative medicine that attributes therapeutic virtues to minerals. According to the lithotherapists, the minerals are charged with energy during their long training in the bowels of the earth. The alleged benefits of these stones are used to improve people’s well-being or to help them heal themselves.
Lithotherapy responds to a holistic approach to care, i.e. we place the individual and his environment at the heart of the treatment. When an organ is sick, it is due to a global disorganisation of the patient’s metabolism, the causes of which can be multiple, especially environmental. It is then considered that a drug treatment alone would be insufficient to cure a disease completely, since it will only be treated in a targeted manner.
Minerals can be used for prevention (protection against a disease or a bad wave) or for treatment. When they come into contact with them, the energetic fluids (also called chakras or meridians) of a suffering person, physical or moral, would harmonise.
Long before the era of modern conventional medicine, people used what they found in nature to treat themselves: plants and minerals were therefore a rich pharmacopoeia whose knowledge was passed on from generation to generation.
Whether as an external application (talisman) or as a drink (elixir), mineral-based prescriptions can be found in ancient writings dating back to antiquity and coming from different civilisations (Mesopotamia, ancient China, ancient India etc…). Today the stones are worn as lithotherapy jewellery. Visit MINERALS KINGDOM for more about natural stone jewellery. An elegant and pleasant way to wear your stones and heal yourself.
Lithotherapy is thus one of the many bases of ancestral medicine also composed of acupuncture, massage or breathing techniques (yoga and meditation).
According to the lithotherapists, to take full advantage of the power of stones, they must be natural. A distinction must then be made between synthetic and treated stones. While synthetic stone is a pure laboratory product, devoid of properties, a treated natural stone remains a real stone: the treatment is only intended to improve its appearance or intensify its colour. Treated stones therefore retain their chemical and energetic properties. In the world of jewellery, the vast majority of fine and precious stones are treated, but there are also many other stones that do not require any treatment, as they are so naturally beautiful: a true miracle of nature.
To benefit from the supposed benefits of a stone, there are different methods of administration.
In ancient times, it was customary to ingest certain powdered stones, but it was later shown that this could be dangerous and even fatal.
Today, lithotherapy practitioners prefer to immerse a mineral in distilled water and then drink the resulting solution after first exposing it to the rays of the moon or the sun.
Considering that crystals emit particular waves or rays, one can also wear them on one’s person, in jewellery, and take advantage of their protection. Talismans, grigris or medieval carbuncles have given way to refined and trendy lithotherapy jewellery set with fine and precious stones.
Also used as a decorative object, more or less imposing pieces of minerals will be placed in a room of the house and their range of action will be proportional to their size.
Although lithotherapy has been practised since the dawn of time, it does not dispense with a visit to the doctor or the taking of conventional medication in case of illness.
Do you feel stressed, exhausted, tired? Try lithotherapy. Indeed, this science of crystals aims to rebalance the body by relying on the energy reflected by the stones. Thanks to this energy, a real emotional and spiritual work is carried out.
Indeed, the crystals aim to reassure your health, both physical and mental. If at first glance, you may be reluctant about the usefulness of the stones, you should know that lithotherapy is a form of alternative medicine, widely used in Brazil in particular.
Each stone is different: the chemical composition, colour and shape vary. Thus, each crystal will have a specific action: some aim to calm or reduce anxiety, others strengthen the immune barrier and others boost physical power.
It is therefore essential to find the stone that corresponds to your needs and expectations. In this article, we give you all the criteria you need to know to choose the right semi-precious stone.
A key point to stress is that you don’t have to believe in the action of the stone for the stone to work. Indeed, you may have certain preconceived ideas about crystals and their effectiveness, or you may doubt that you are spiritual enough for the stone to have an effect on you. Do not be afraid. The effectiveness of the stone does not depend on belief or knowledge, but on the quality of the stone.
So don’t hesitate to take the plunge: it is normal to have doubts at the beginning and to have ideas, whether verified or not, about lithotherapy. There is no need to be convinced of the effectiveness of the stones or to take courses on the different existing stones: just choose a quality stone.
Indeed, an essential criterion in the choice of your crystal is its quality. You can go on a jewel, like a bracelet of sapphire, like the ones available at for instance, to enjoy all the energy and efficiency of the stone. We can easily be tempted to buy a multitude of small stones, thinking that each stone will have an effect. But if there is one piece of advice to take into account, it is to give priority to quality over the number of crystals.
The choice of a stone is above all a question of intuition, of feeling. Indeed, the crystal you have to choose is the one that makes you react. To do this, listen to your body and mind. If a stone makes you react more than the others, for its colour, its shape or for any other reason, it is the one you should choose. Indeed, the essential thing is to feel an attraction, an alchemy with the stone. The crystal must awaken positive emotions in you, must reassure you, soothe you or arouse your curiosity. The stone reacts to a request that you express, be it psychic or physical: it is above all a question of energy. When there is a flow of energy between a stone and yourself, when an emotion is created, you are on the right path.
The stone can be chosen by theme. Indeed, each stone is associated with certain skills, which are particularly linked to it. Of course, it is very likely that several stones correspond to you and respond to your problems. To make your choice, concentrate on what you really care about. In fact, through personal reflection, highlight the points you would like to develop, whether physical or mental, the wounds you would like to heal or the abilities you would like to acquire. The choice of your crystal depends above all on what your deepest self desires, so you need to connect first of all with yourself and then to be able to establish a connection with the stone. For example, people with a chronic fear of abandonment will turn to rhodonite, which heals childhood traumas. For people who are naturally defiant, carnelian will soothe their fears. There are a multitude of stones, each with its own characteristics: it is up to you to find the one that suits you.
If the above-mentioned options have not convinced you, there is one last solution to choose your stone: rely on the path of life Based on your name, first name and date of birth, the path of life highlights the 8 stones that are linked to you, and which correspond to you better than anyone else. Each stone reflects a special trait of your character and reveals who you really are. The path of life therefore allows a very precise analysis of the stones that are most closely linked to you. It shows which levers need to be unlocked and which obstacles need to be overcome.
We all have barriers that seem insurmountable, doubts that gnaw at us and bad habits that disrupt our daily lives. Over time, all these negative points become a real burden to bear. In order to feel better, to refocus your energy and to alleviate your mental and physical suffering, trust the stones. All you have to do is choose your own, in the form of a natural stone bracelet, pendants or other!
As for the choice of the outfits, the choice of a turquoise jewel. Turquoise is beautiful on all types of jewellery, whether mounted as an earring, pendant, ring or even bracelet. As for the shade of turquoise, it is important to match the colour of your eyes, if you have blue or green eyes.
On the other hand, if you have brown or black eyes, you must take into account the colour of your skin tone or even the colour of your favourite clothes. For summer, wear turquoise jewellery with white and black to brighten up your winter outfits.
The Indians, in fact, already used turquoise for its healing properties. It was believed to cure scorpion stings and snake bites. Turquoise was transformed into a balm and applied to the eyelids to prevent blindness. Tibetan Buddhists associated it with red coral, the whole symbolising spiritual wealth and good fortune.
In lithotherapy today, it is believed to have many benefits; it would protect its owner from negative waves or harmful radiation, such as electromagnetic waves. Its ability to absorb these negative emanations would cause a change of colour or even a loss of brilliance. Perhaps because of its cloudless sky colour, it would be a source of balance and unification: harmony of mind and body, of masculine and feminine tendencies? It would develop the finesse of intuition and empathy. For people practicing meditation, turquoise would be a good catalyst, in conjunction with the third eye chakra like those available at for instance. Lifting certain inhibitions, it would allow positive energies to manifest and would avoid psychological blockages to its wearer. In connection with the throat chakra, it would facilitate communication and therefore interpersonal relations; it would be appreciated by speakers, reducing the stress of speaking in public and facilitating elocution. Finally, in harmony with the heart chakra, it would bring calm and serenity, amplifying the capacity for love.
Turquoise is a semi-precious stone that is not transparent. Its name is derived from its colour, blue-green. Several shades give each stone a unique character. It is extracted from deposits of turquoise, originally a chemical substance.
It is found in various places around the world. However, these deposits are becoming increasingly rare. Turquoise has a mainly ornamental function and is used, among other things, in the manufacture of turquoise jewellery.
Turquoise jewellery is available in different types. However, not all of them are made from genuine turquoise. Unlike artificial turquoise, the latter has a marbled or even rigorous appearance. It is therefore characterised by a stone-like appearance.
Genuine turquoise is generally used to make pendants, pendants, rings and even ornaments. Turquoise earrings can even be found in earrings. Whatever the type of jewel to be designed, the stone is first cut and then set in a setting that allows it to be used as a turquoise jewel.
Heeled moccasins, XXL bags, sculptural rings… These are the key accessories you absolutely must have for spring-summer!
Whether it is mini or extra large, our bag does not fit in the half size (and between the two sizes, our heart balances).
Sandals? Yes, as long as they have laces that beautifully underline your ankles. The result is both chic and cool and promises to keep us going all summer long.
Our pumps and sandals are equipped with a purely decorative chain, which enhances the ankle or instep and is the end point of a trendy look.
He had been neglected for a few seasons, but he hasn’t said his last word… The bucket bag regains its superb appearance as it passes over the most prominent footbridges, from Celine to Prada. We bet it will be quickly adopted by all fashionistas!
Bright colours, geometrical patterns, aesthetic curls… The bourgeois moccasin is drifting and gaining height, embracing a mischievous attitude that we didn’t know he had.
For a few seasons now, raffia has imposed itself without pretension. This spring, it sublimates our bags, shoes and jewellery for a silhouette as close to nature as possible.
Sculptural and imposing, the rings expand with barely concealed exaggeration. Wear in pairs or alone.
Sunglasses with tinted lenses make us see life in pink, blue, yellow, etc. A colourful trend to adopt as soon as the sunny days arrive.
We punctuate our look with a link necklace, preferably short neck, for a resolutely rock and rebellious touch.
The latest trend in the 1990s, after the banana bag, the crop top and the bob: platform sandals, which make us gain a few inches in height without worrying about blisters (we won’t complain!).
It’s invading the nail bars and some manicure addicts can’t get enough of it, but is this gel nail polish really that great? Enquiry.
A coloured acrylic gel that a pro applies to the nails with a brush and which hardens under the rays of a UV lamp. You choose a colour (there are dozens of them), to play fashionable, or a transparent nude, to have the nails just shiny and impeccable. It lasts two weeks, after that it flakes and you see too much nail growth. Less strong and less abrasive than the classic “construction resin”, but much more resistant than a simple nail polish, this gel does not shy away from dishwashing or gardening, in short, it does not get damaged and allows you to lead a normal life.
You can hardly see any difference with a classic nail polish. The colour is very shiny and it is hardly thicker. Nothing to do with the ugly caps with oversized edges.
No, as long as you observe these two commandments: firstly, it should not be abused. Three times in a row, six weeks of semi-permanent nail polish is the maximum, and then leave your nails alone for a month if you don’t want to weaken them. Secondly, when it comes to removing it, the beautician must master the technique, because the acetone-based cast solution can cause skin irritation around the nail (read “How do I remove it?” below). Our protective parade: generously massage cuticle oil before, during and after removal, and even every evening…
Women who have been wearing the same colour for a while and are ready to make room in their diary to come back to the institute to have it removed. As Alexandra Falba, O.P.I. trainer, points out, “most of the aficionados of semi-permanent nail polish are women who can’t do without red nails or who are used to French manicures”. Semi-permanent nail polish is also recommended for holidaymakers who want to make sure their nails do not flake, despite sandcastles with children or repeated swimming in the sea.
By applying a darker classic nail polish. You can then change to plum if the nails are already covered with an orange gel. Of course, if the base is just transparent, you can overlay any colour of lacquer on it and change it as often as you like since a solvent without acetone dissolves the nail polish, but not the gel. Moreover, if Japanese women love it, it’s because this coloured and very smooth gel base allows them to draw over kawaii motifs with nail polish with extreme precision and, above all, to touch them up with a solvent without making the coloured base disappear.
No, soft, brittle and bitten nails will have to do without it. This new technique requires a certain quality of keratin for the nail polish to cling properly to the nail surface. Unlike so-called “construction” gels, it does not give a smooth appearance to an already grooved nail.
As with a classic nail polish, the beautician begins by polishing the entire nail surface with a soft polisher before applying a colourless base, which protects the nail from pigments, followed by two coats of coloured gel and a top coat. The gel is applied with a long brush, like a painter’s brush, and, between each coat, it is left to dry for two to three minutes under a UV lamp. In forty-five minutes, it’s finished and very dry, you don’t even need to grab your bag carefully.
You can also learn how to give yourself a gel manicure like a pro:
Don’t try to do it yourself, otherwise you risk damaging the top layer of the nail. You go back to the institute where you had it applied. At Manucurist, as Fanny Lebrat explains, the “removal” technique is very precise and we strongly recommend it.
The beautician begins by protecting the nail’s perimeter with oil, then polishes the entire surface, then soaks cotton squares cut to fit the shape of the nail with an acetone-based solution. Each finger is wrapped in aluminium foil. Fifteen minutes later, the different layers of gel fall off by themselves, all that remains is to remove the residue with a wooden stick.
While English shops have promotions throughout the year, the July and January sales are the best times to stock up on bargains in London.
Brands such as Topshop, H&M or Zara as well as department shops offer unbeatable discounts, sometimes as much as -70% . The perfect opportunity to redecorate your wardrobe or get the piece you’ve been dreaming of for several months! So, see you in London from 26 December (“Boxing Day”), which announces the launch of the winter sales.
We have selected for you the ten best districts for an unforgettable shopping experience in the British capital. And a little tip before you set off in search of the best discounts: put on a pair of comfortable shoes and take to the streets of the British capital.
One of London’s best-known shopping streets, Oxford Street is the perfect place to start your shopping trip. You will find many major retailers as well as several department shops.
Selfridges is one of the most popular department shops in London. Open on Oxford Street since 1909, the shop spans six floors and offers men’s, women’s and children’s fashion, cosmetics, footwear and even fine food. You’ll find brands that are within easy reach of every pocket and designer labels on the shelves.
John Lewis is another must-see shop across the Channel, and its Oxford Street shop will be the perfect place to find men’s, women’s and children’s clothes, shoes and beauty products at unbeatable prices during the sales. On each floor you will also find dedicated departments for home appliances and multimedia, as well as a delicatessen.
Take a lunch break at the Italian restaurant Rossopomodoro on the third floor. Here you can enjoy a delicious Neapolitan pizza or a tasty pasta dish to regain your strength after browsing the 7 floors of the shop.
The Debenhams shop on Oxford Street is well worth a visit. The brand has completely refurbished their London address to offer a luxurious shopping experience.
With five floors dedicated to fashion, you can take advantage of sales to buy the latest fashions from your favourite brands. Don’t miss their beauty area, one of the largest in London, where you can get a manicure at the Nails Inc. nail bar or get your make-up done at one of the booths, such as Chanel, Givenchy or Benefit.
Just a short walk from Oxford Street, Regent Street and Jermyn Street are two other must-see destinations for bargain hunters. Here you will find many luxury boutiques, as well as London’s largest toy shop.
You will find more than 50,000 items of games and toys at Hamleys, THE shop to please young and old children alike. Spread over seven levels, the shop offers well-known games, such as Monopoly, but also more confidential brands. The sales staff regularly demonstrate the latest novelties, so you will be able to make nice discoveries and bring back original gifts for your children.
The Liberty shop has been a veritable institution in London since it opened in 1875, both for its Tudor-style half-timbered building and its ultra-spanning selection of brands. Liberty offers a wide range of luxury goods carefully selected by specialist buyers. Their beauty space is also one of the most sought-after in the city, with many exclusive brands. You are sure to find the bag of your dreams, the perfect little black dress or the latest beauty innovation.
Benson & Clegg has been one of the capital’s most prestigious tailors since the 1930s. You’ll find luxury men’s suits, as well as many accessories such as cufflinks, ties, bow ties and much more to awaken the British dandy in you.
To go with the Benson & Clegg suit, you’ll need a pair of shoes that are as elegant as they are comfortable. John Lobb is the place to be. Their shop is impossible to miss on Jermyn Street, with its sublime wooden front, surmounted by the name Lobb in gold letters. The shoes are custom-made by hand by artisan shoemakers and you can choose from moccasins, brogues, boots, heels and much more.
Bond Street is the perfect destination to tour London’s top luxury boutiques and take advantage of seasonal discounts to give you the room of your dreams.
The Bond Street boutique is a must-see British luxury brand where you can discover the timeless pieces of the brand. Try on the famous trench coats with the mythical tartan lining, before taking a stroll through the leather goods and beauty departments.
If you buy clothes, the shop offers a touch-up service to have them fitted on the spot. You can also have your new bag or purse personalised with your monogram.
After English luxury, head to one of the top French luxury spots and the superb Louis Vuitton boutique on New Bond Street. The boutique is decorated with many works of art, a perfect atmosphere to stroll through the shelves in search of your next handbag.
Don’t forget to visit the beauty area, where you can have your favourite bottle of Louis Vuitton perfume refilled at the perfume fountain.
The Tiffany & Co boutique on New Bond Street has nothing to envy to the prestigious boutiques on Place Vendôme in Paris and you will discover jewellery of rare refinement in this temple of jewellery.
The shop offers exclusive collections, such as that of Paloma Picasso, the daughter of the famous Spanish painter, who is a jeweller for the brand.
The shop also offers a personalisation service to have your jewellery engraved. You will be able to write a small message to give a unique gift to your loved ones.
Established in the late 1970s, Browns is one of London’s most innovative fashion boutiques. Always at the forefront of trends, you will find luxury brands such as Isabelle Marant, Jil Sanders or Chloé. And during the sales, you can enjoy up to 50% off some items.
Known for its giant, luminous screens, the Piccadilly district is full of beautiful shops for sales.
The Fortnum & Mason boutique in Piccadilly is a must for tea lovers and is worth a visit just for its staircase and changing decor.
Here you will find food from all over the world for the pleasure of the eyes and the palate, clothes and leather goods, but above all very good refined teas, as well as small biscuits and chocolates that will delight tourists looking for exclusive souvenirs.
The beautiful days return little by little with spring. From now on, make sure you choose the right pair of glasses to get ready for summer. To do this, make sure you choose a pair that matches the caricature of your face by referring to this guide.
The shape of the frame depends entirely on the morphology of the face. Indeed, the shape of the nose, the thickness of the mouth and the thickness of the cheeks play a major role in the choice of the right frame. The key is to create a perfect balance between the face and the sunglasses. For example, thin faces are not compatible with large frames that clutter up the face. Round glasses are suitable for round faces as they accentuate the roundness of the face. Women with round faces can also opt for geometric or thin-framed glasses to break up the rounded effect.
For an oval face, all frames are permitted. Dare to use rectangular glasses to structure your eyes. Butterfly models are also a delight. In short, treat yourself by choosing the frame you like without the risk of tarnishing your look. If you have a long face, thin or half-rimmed glasses are ideal, while geometric models should be avoided. If you have a square face, opt for the cat-eye or butterfly-shaped versions to soften your features and refresh your look. If your cheekbones are prominent, avoid aviators, as they give the impression that your face is drooping. Either way, find your women’s sunglasses at VIP OPTIC.
Sunglasses mask the eyes and therefore divert attention to other parts of the face, especially the mouth. Therefore, the position of the lips should also influence your choice. For example, if your lips are drooping and irregular, it’s best to turn to coloured glasses with original frames to draw attention to the eyes. Note that these accessories help to hide the small flaws of the face and enhance its other assets.
Haircut can also influence the choice of a pair of dark glasses. Short cuts go well with models with thin frames, so as not to obstruct vision too much. Curly and puffy hair is suitable for all types of glasses.
No more velvet dresses, big fur coats and winter colours! Discover the fashion trends for this spring-summer 2020 to bring freshness to your dressing room while staying stylish.
This year’s spring-summer fashion trends look exquisite. Classics such as the combi-pants and dungarees remain fashion must-haves. There are also a few novelties to spice up this beautiful season. For example, the brassiere, the suit in a shortshort version and the jumpsuit are must-haves to count in your wardrobe this summer.
For mid-season jackets, opt for the extra-large blazer with trendy prints in pop or pastel colours. For a more classic look, trench coats are a must. The metallic version of the bomber is also trendy. In addition, the dress with ruffles is the trendy dress for this spring-summer 2020. However, the baby doll dress with puffed sleeves is not to be envied, because it will be everywhere. As for the denim trousers, play with the cuts. Opt for worked 7/8 jeans, high-waisted trousers and flowing XXL trousers. Browse through the collections of the Absolème clothing boutique to find fashion nuggets that are both daring and original.
This spring-summer 2020, the trend is for dad shoes, heeled sandals and open-toed shoes. As for bags, bananas and baskets will be in vogue during the summer season. In addition, the big fashion designers have given pride of place to shoes and bags made of wickerwork.
For jewellery, accumulation and mix and match are in order. Holiday jewellery such as shells and pearls are also favoured.
The colours of the spring-summer season look soft and light this year. The monochrome of beige and brown ensures a return to the roots. Pop shades are also making a comeback for the more daring. In addition, metal parts are trendy: gold, silver and copper.
For prints, floral motifs are a sure bet. Large, mini or tropical, flowers will be everywhere on dresses, skirts, jackets and even trousers. Other motifs also cause a stir, such as polka dots, stripes and tie and dye.